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ISIT CANopen Stack

  • Protocols : CAN / CANOPEN
  • Provider : ISIT
  • Products / Services : Software
  • Domains : , , , , ,

ISIT CANopen Stack complies with the CiA-301 V4.2 and CiA-302 standards and allows rapid implementation of the CANopen protocol in an embedded application.

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CANopen protocol

Initiated by Bosch in 1991 and standardized in 1993 (ISO 11898), the CAN bus has experienced uninterrupted growth since its inception, going far beyond the automotive field. It has proven by its robustness, its reliability, its simplicity and the low cost associated with its implementation that it is the ideal protocol for controlling real-time networks, alongside Ethernet dedicated to applications requiring greater bandwidth for data. In 2016, 1.5 billion CAN nodes were deployed (source CiA).

The CANopen protocol, corresponding to layer 7 of the OSI model, is a communication system based on the CAN network. CANopen provides flexible and efficient services for configuration, diagnosis, network supervision and process data exchange, with the definition of profiles making it possible to design interoperable products, greatly simplifying the design of a system. Originally designed for motion-based machine control systems, such as material handling systems, it is now used in a wide variety of applications, such as medical equipment, all-terrain vehicles, maritime electronics, railway applications or even building automation for elevators control for example.

ISIT CANopen protocol Stack

ISIT offers a CANopen protocol stack software compliant with the CiA-301.

Developed in ANSI-C and independent of the hardware (except for CAN driver), it eases the rapid development of master and slave devices, including the necessary services like SDO, PDO, NMT (network management), LSS (layer setting services).

The ISIT CANopen stack is available in Slave and Master/Slave versions, in pre-ported binary on a target or in source code.

The ISIT CANopen stack consists of a hardware-dependent part, primarily the CAN driver, and a hardware-independent part (CANopen protocol) that communicates with the driver's message queues. The hardware dependent part consists of CAN controller control software.

Hardware access is done via a stack-independent driver, which is already available for many CPU and CAN controllers (ST Microelectronics, Infineon, TI, Renesas, etc. Ask us the list) with and without an operating system. Adaptation to new hardware/software platforms can be done with minimal effort. The CANopen stack can be used without OS (Bare Metal) or with different real-time operating systems such as ThreadX, FreeRTOS, Keil RTX, embOS or TI-RTOS, as well as with Linux (SocketCAN, can4linux)

ISIT CANopen protocol Stack - Features and Benefits

  • OS and CPU independent core architecture
  • ANSI-C Source code available (Except for binary version)
  • Compliant with CiA 301 standard (EN50325-4) for CANopen master and slave development
  • Generic easy-to-use API, compatible with Safety versions
  • Same code as certified version (except DR-303 and LSS)
  • EDS Editor provided
  • Can be upgraded with CANopen Safety extension (CiA-304 / EN50325-5) up to certified version

ISIT also offers 2 others versions of its CANopen stack :

Related products

ISIT CANopen Safety Stack

ISIT's CANopen Safety stack adds CiA 304 (EN50325-4) compliant safety extensions to meet the safety requirements of CANopen applications.

ISIT CANopen Safety Certifiable stack

The ISIT CANopen Safety Certifiable stack meets the needs of Safety applications and makes it possible to use the CANopen protocol while benefiting from the elements necessary for the certification of your product with an approved body: documentation set, unit test plans and integration, test reports.

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